two journalists, “Nassim Nael Amr” and “Wedad Al-Sharif”, published on their Facebook page a picture of a membership card titled with “Libyan-Libyan Dialogue”, and most commentators thought that it belonged to the “Libyan Political Dialogue Forum”

” formed by the United Nations Mission in Libya based on a decision Security Council No. 2510/(2020), which endorsed the outcomes of the Berlin International Conference, which triggered #Tahra to investigate the story.

The Libyan Libyan Dialogue was established on August 8, 2021, as a political group headed by Mr. Hussain Qena Qureirah. What is suspicious here and what led to misinformation is the logo in these cards is very similar to the UN logo

while the cards contain linguistic errors in translation such as “preserve” for peacekeeping and “adjective” for the occupation field

Also, as a note, the card has the following text at the bottom: “The competent authorities shall facilitate the task of the card holder, whose sovereignty shall enjoy the immunities stipulated.”

Sharing misinformation can lead to intervene in the social media users’ attention and cause potential harm by the spread of misinformation.

By Siraj

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